
Blood Will Have Blood

Blood Will Have Blood

Borrowing from famous Shakespearean speeches and monologues, director John Sheedy created an original theatre piece called Blood Will Have Blood, in which WAAPA’s third year acting students had the opportunity to explore all the emotional and dramatic facets of the bard’s work.

The show was designed to give the third year students a very good go at getting involved in Shakespeare and the themes behind his work. The play takes in pieces of nine of the bard’s plays including Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Julius Caesar, Macbeth, King Lear and The Tempest.

Blood Will Have Blood Scenes from Shakespeare

22 October 2011 – 29 October 2011 @ Subiaco Arts Centre

Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA)

Cast & Creatives

Featuring 3rd Year Acting, Design and Production Students

Directed by John Sheedy


“Imaginative guest director John Sheedy delivers a fascinating exercise for these dazzling young actors, and a glimpse of what they will become.” The West Australian